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You can customize widgets in Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets.

Blog Sidebar

Add widgets here to appear in the sidebar of your blog pages.

Blog Sidebar

Setup Blog Sidebar


  • Blog Search: Include a search bar to allow users to search for blog posts.
  • Blog Posts: Display a list of recent or popular blog posts.
  • Blog Categories: Provide a list of blog categories for easy navigation.
  • Tags: Display a tag cloud to highlight popular topics

Bottom Post Detail Sidebar

Place widgets here to display additional content below individual blog posts.

Bottom Post Detail Sidebar

Setup Bottom Post Detail Sidebar


  • Related Posts: Display a list of related posts to keep users engaged with similar content.

The top section of the footer is ideal for displaying your logo and social links.

Top Footer Sidebar

Setup Top Footer Sidebar


  • Site Logo: Add your site’s logo to this area to enhance brand recognition.
  • Social Links: Add links to your social media profiles to encourage users to follow you.

The inner footer section is suitable for site information, menus, and a newsletter subscription form.

Inner Footer Sidebar

Setup Inner Footer Sidebar


  • Site Information: Provide brief information about your site.
  • Simple Menu: Add navigation menus for easy access to important pages.
  • Newsletter Form: Include a subscription form for users to sign up for your newsletter.

The bottom footer section is used for displaying legal notices and credits.

Bottom Footer Sidebar

Setup Bottom Footer Sidebar


  • Site Copyright: Display copyright information for your site.
  • Simple Menu: Add a simple menu for legal links such as Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.