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Stats widget

Add a new stats widget

  • Open your plugin service provider then add to the boot function or platform/themes/[your-theme]/functions/functions.php
add_filter(DASHBOARD_FILTER_ADMIN_LIST, function ($widgets, $widgetSettings) {
    return (new \Botble\Dashboard\Supports\DashboardWidgetInstance)
        ->setPermission('the permission key to check')
        ->setTitle(__('Widget name'))
        ->setIcon('fas fa-edit')
        ->setStatsTotal('[number to display]')
        ->init($widgets, $widgetSettings);
}, 1221, 2);

1221 is the priority, it can be any number but must unique.


You can find an example in platform/packages/page/src/Providers/HookServiceProvider.php line 57.

Remove a stats widget by ID

add_filter(DASHBOARD_FILTER_ADMIN_LIST, function ($widgets) {
    \Illuminate\Support\Arr::forget($widgets, '[Widget ID]');

    return $widgets;
}, 120, 1);
  • [Widget ID] is ID of widget. Ex: widget_total_plugins. You can use dd($widgets) to find widget ID.

Remove all stats widgets

  • Open your plugin service provider then add to the boot function or platform/themes/[your-theme]/functions/functions.php

Main widgets

Register new dashboard widget

  • Open your plugin service provider then add to the boot function or platform/themes/[your-theme]/functions/functions.php
add_filter(DASHBOARD_FILTER_ADMIN_LIST, function ($widgets, $widgetSettings) {
    return (new \Botble\Dashboard\Supports\DashboardWidgetInstance)
        ->setPermission('the permission key to check')
        ->setTitle(__('Widget name'))
        ->setIcon('fas fa-edit')
        ->setColumn('col-md-6 col-sm-6')
        ->init($widgets, $widgetSettings);
}, 1221, 2);

1221 is the priority, it can be any number but must unique.


You can find an example in platform/plugins/blog/src/Providers/HookServiceProvider.php line 137

  • Create a controller to return main content for your widget; the route name is added in above code ( Ex: the-route-to-get-data).
public function getDataForWidget(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, \Botble\Base\Http\Responses\BaseHttpResponse $response)
    $content = 'The content can be a string or rendered from a blade view';
    // $content = view('plugins.your-plugin::widgets.sample', compact('data'))->render()
    return $response->setData($content);


You can find an example in platform/plugins/blog/src/Http/Controllers/PostController.php line 207.