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Setup homepage

Go to Admin -> Appearance -> Theme options (tab Page) to select a homepage.

Customize homepage

Go to Admin -> Pages -> Select Homepage.

Hero Banner

It's shortcode hero-banner in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background image, button label, button action, and options styling.

It's shortcode featured-service-categories in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, select service categories, image, background image, and options styling.

About Us Information

It's shortcode about-us-information in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, Founded year, Button Label, Button URL and options styling...


It's shortcode brands in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, add new branch, and options styling.


It's shortcode featured-services in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, services, and options styling.

Company Overview

It's shortcode company-overview in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, author, button label, button URL, and options styling...

Intro Video

It's shortcode intro-video in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, Video YouTube URL, progress bar using tabs and options styling...

It's shortcode featured-projects in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, projects, and options styling.

Contact Block

It's shortcode contact-block in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, hotline, button label, button URL, and options styling.


It's shortcode teams in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, teams, and options styling.


It's shortcode testimonials in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, limit testimonials, and options styling.


It's shortcode pricing in the page content.

You can set the title, subtitle, image, background, packages, and options styling.

You can custom features and information in packages.


It's shortcode news in the page content.

You also can custom items and more attributes in the news shortcode.

There are have a lot of shortcodes in the theme. You can check them in the Shortcode dropdown menu in the editor.