Setup Homepage
To setup the homepage, you need to create a new page and set it as the homepage in Page tab at Admin -> Appearance -> Theme options.
Customize the Homepage
Pages are managed in Admin -> Pages. You can edit the homepage by editing the page with the name Front Page.
Hero Section
The hero section is the first section of the homepage. It contains sliders and advertisements that you can customize.
You can see that the left side of the hero section is a slider. You can customize the slider by editing the Simple Slider shortcode.
Also in the Simple Slider shortcode, you can customize the which advertisements to show on the right side of the hero section.
To create a new advertisement, you can read the Usage Ads document.
Featured Categories
You can add featured categories to the homepage by editing the Featured Product Categories shortcode.
Products List
The products section is a list of products, here you can customize the list style and the products to show. There are 2 types of list style: Wooden and Fashion.
This shortcode also has a tab that allows customers to filter products by types like Featured, Trending, ...
Deal products
To use this shortcode, you need to create a new flash sale and add products to it. Then you can edit the Deal Product shortcode to show the flash sale.
If you'd like to show some images on the homepage, you can use the Galleries shortcode.
Other shortcodes
There are some other shortcodes that you can use to customize the homepage. You can find them in Shortcode dropdown when editing the page.
This is a another example of the homepage of a fashion style.