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Extending the Plugin

The SMS Gateway plugin for Botble CMS allows you to extend its functionality by adding custom SMS drivers. This guide explains how to create a custom SMS driver by extending the plugin with your own implementation, including setting up a configuration form.


To extend the SMS Gateway plugin, you'll need to:

  1. Create a New Driver Class: Extend the AbstractDriver class to define your custom SMS provider.
  2. Implement Required Methods: Implement the abstract methods and provide additional configuration and functionality.
  3. Create a Configuration Form: Define a form for configuring the SMS provider settings.
  4. Register Your Custom Driver: Integrate your custom driver with the SMS Gateway plugin.

Creating a Custom SMS Driver

Step 1: Define Your Driver Class

Create a new PHP class that extends the AbstractDriver class. This class will implement the specific functionality for your SMS provider.


namespace FriendsOfBotble\Sms\Drivers;

use Botble\Base\Forms\FormAbstract;
use FriendsOfBotble\Sms\DataTransferObjects\SmsResponse;
use FriendsOfBotble\Sms\Facades\Sms as SmsFacade;
use FriendsOfBotble\Sms\Forms\NexmoGatewayForm;
use Vonage\Client;
use Vonage\Client\Credentials\Basic;
use Vonage\SMS\Message\SMS;

class Nexmo extends AbstractDriver
    protected Client $client;

    public function __construct()
        $key = SmsFacade::getSetting('key', 'nexmo');
        $secret = SmsFacade::getSetting('secret', 'nexmo');

        if (empty($key) || empty($secret)) {

        $this->client = new Client(new Basic($key, $secret));

    protected function performSend(string $to, string $message): SmsResponse
        $response = $this->client->sms()->send(
            new SMS($to, $this->getFrom(), $message)

        $message = $response->current();

        return new SmsResponse(
            success: $message->getStatus() === 0,
            messageId: $message->getMessageId(),
            response: $response->getAllMessagesRaw(),

    public function getLogo(): string
        return asset('vendor/core/plugins/sms/images/nexmo.png');

    public function getInstructions(): string
        return view('plugins/sms::instructions.nexmo');

    public function getSettingForm(): FormAbstract
        return NexmoGatewayForm::create();

Step 2: Implement Required Methods

  • performSend(string $to, string $message): SmsResponse: Implement the logic for sending an SMS message. This method should interact with the SMS provider’s API and return an SmsResponse object.
  • getLogo(): string: Provide the URL to the logo image of your SMS provider. This image will be used in the plugin’s UI.
  • getInstructions(): string: Return a view or string with instructions for configuring the SMS provider.
  • getSettingForm(): FormAbstract: Return a form for configuring the SMS provider settings.

Step 3: Create a Configuration Form

Define a form for configuring the settings of your SMS provider. This form will be used in the admin panel to set up the provider.

Example: Nexmo Gateway Form


namespace FriendsOfBotble\Sms\Forms;

use Botble\Base\Facades\Html;
use Botble\Base\Forms\FieldOptions\TextFieldOption;
use Botble\Base\Forms\Fields\TextField;

class NexmoGatewayForm extends SmsGatewayForm
    protected array $sensitiveFields = [

    public function setup(): void

                    ->helperText(trans('plugins/sms::nexmo.from_help', [
                        'link' => Html::link(
                            ['target' => '_blank']
  • $sensitiveFields: Define sensitive fields that should be protected or masked.
  • setup(): Configure the form fields, including labels, helper text, and validation requirements.

Step 4: Register Your Custom Driver

To integrate your custom driver with the SMS Gateway plugin, register it in your plugin's service provider.

// In your plugin’s service provider
public function boot()
    Sms::extend('nexmo', Nexmo::class);

Example Usage

Once your custom driver is registered, you can use it as follows:

// Sending an SMS message
Sms::driver('nexmo')->send('+11234567890', 'Your OTP code is: 123456');


  • Check Logs: Review the SMS logs to ensure messages are sent correctly and diagnose any issues.
  • Verify Configuration: Ensure that your API credentials and settings are correctly configured in the admin panel.
  • Consult Documentation: Refer to the documentation of your SMS provider for details on API usage and error codes.