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Phone Verification

The Phone Verification feature in the SMS Gateway plugin allows you to verify user phone numbers via OTP (One-Time Password). This process ensures the phone numbers provided by users are valid and active.

Phone Verification

Configuring Phone Verification

  1. Access Phone Verification Settings:

    • Log in to your Botble CMS admin panel.
    • Navigate to SMS Gateway.
  2. Configure OTP Settings:

    • Guard: Specify the guard to be used for OTP verification.
    • OTP Code Expire Time: Set the expiration time for the OTP code in minutes. The default setting is 5 minutes. This determines how long the OTP code will remain valid before expiring.
    • Phone Verification Requirement: Enable this option to require users to verify their phone number before they can access the system.
    • OTP Message: Customize the message sent to users containing the OTP code. Use {code} as a placeholder for the actual OTP code.

    Example OTP Message

    Your OTP code is: {code}
  3. Save Settings:

    • Click Save settings to apply the configuration changes.

Phone Verification Settings